Is the hotel where you will be staying pet friendly? Are you absolutely sure of this? Many hotels will list their policies regarding pets right on their website. Some places that allow dogs will only allow dogs up to a certain weight or pound limit, so before you book that reservation, make sure that you will be able to bring your four legged family member with you! Failing to find out a hotel's pet policies could mean the difference between enjoying your stay and scrambling to find a place to stay.
Your pets will most likely get thirsty if you will be traveling an extended amount of time in the car, so make sure you keep the water bowls in a place that is easy to get to. Many companies now make travel bowls that fold into themselves. If space is an issue, consider this option. Most pet supply companies carry them, and you can also find them online for just a few dollars.
Pets, even those who otherwise are perfectly well behaved in the house, can sometimes get uneasy in new places. To make sure your pets do not find "creative" ways of dealing with their anxiety, make sure you bring their kennels with you and crate them while you are out. Consider bringing along special treats that they love but only get on certain occasions - a new squeaky toy, a stuffed Kong, etc. - to help them work out some of their anxiety. Taking them on an extra long walk or run will likely help as well.
If your dog will be around other dogs, make sure he or she has a bordatella vaccination. Bordatella, or kennel cough, is easily and quickly spread among dogs. Vaccinations are inexpensive and quick to administer and will help keep your dog healthy while on vacation.
Many places have leash laws. Regardless of the law, however, keeping your pet on a leash in a new place is always a good idea. The last thing you want to deal with is a pet who gets lost and doesn't know the area. And that's probably the last thing your pet wants to deal with, too!
With just a little thought and planning on your part, you and your pets can enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating vacation! Traveling with your pets can be an excellent way to bond. After all, are not our happy experiences all the more happy with those we love around us? blogs